Dutch Uncles
This band really annoyed me the last time i saw them. I think it was the front mans (seemingly) pretentious jerking movements and annoying attempt at being some kind of freaky geek.
This time round though (less impaired by alchohol) i really enjoyed the band, the front man actually has a real charm about him, his "pretense" actually seems like he's just a weird misfit doing his own thing.
Whats more important is the music, they're a mathpop/ indie five piece... 2 guitars, one vox, one bass, one drums, some keys.
The high pitch vocals are really strong, wouldn't give away they were a mancunian band...Songs are well written with poppy, fiddly, indie guitar lines with a bit of a a math feel to them.
The songs aren't fast paced races of time sig changes though, pop melodies and addictive rythms. They had an awkeward stage presense which kind of fitted their sound, inbetween vocal parts the front man writhes and jerks, twitching seemingly in a world of his own. The rest of the band aren't hyper energetic, focussing on what theyre doing heads down, occasionally swapping instruments almost nervously yet enjoying playing.
It all fits together to make a really nice band who are really good live (and i can imagine being alright on record) I recommend.
Stage Blood
Instead of the pretty amazing dinosaur pile-up (originally billed) we got rubbish post-hardcore/post-rock or something. Not that i don't like those genres, it was just the band who sucked.
The whole thing sounded lazy and boring, the vocals were particulaly unbearable. Slow droning songs, unimaginative hooks, poor lyrics, dull rhythm. Yeah really not good live.
In walk the most important band of the evening, the 5 glaswegian rock heros (and that fill in bassist whos a bit boring) take to the stage with their normal theatrics even before the music begins. They are probably the funniest band around (seriously i'd pay to see cal and john jr do stand up). But even without their witty charm and lovely smiles you know as soon as they race into first song "totally bone" this is a fun, energetic and fucking brilliant.
Dananaananakyroyd are one of the few bands I've seen lots of times WHO NEVER DISAPPOINT. Their own brand of incredible unpretencious pop rock is basically the best thing since jesus christ superstar (or something). Fuzzy warm guitar lines with math elements, blistering rhythm and brilliant shouty vocals. The songs are fast and catchy, pop elements in their structure, elements of hardcore in their delivery.
The venue isnt as packed as other times I've seen the band, its a big room and lots of people were standing near the back (losers), I was right up front with the kids going mental, sweaty guys jumping about... although the crowd started off a bit static after the predictable wall of cuddles (like a wall of death but with cuddles) it livened up.
Jumping off the stage cal and john run manically into the crowd, shouting into their mikes. The stage presence of this band could be compared to any immense american hardcore band thanks to cal and johns antics and enthusiasm. Imagine converge but much much happier and from scotland... crazy. They played a long blistering set (pretty much all their best stuff and a couple of new ones to boot... was like an hour long) but never for one moment lost their impact; the energy that makes this band amazing.
The set was brilliant, highlights for me being pink sabbath and 1993. Even after 3 years of listening to "greater than symbol and the hash" it still sounds fresh and vibrant. 'Ending' on the storming "hey giles" and the new part "sissy hits" with a chant of "turn your hissy fits... INTO SISSY HITS".
Encores are compulsary these days, and dananana weren't about to break that rule, coming back to rip through the recent b side "", pop hit "black wax" complete with handclaps and the upbeat "hey james" to shake down to. Literally in the last 20 seconds i split my lip on someones head as crowd surfers came crashing down around us.
I got my monies worth, and like the consumerist, alan sugar-like swine i am thats all i care about. Pretty much full marks.
9.5/10 (the band got 10, -0.5 because it wasnt the greatest crowd ever)
I'm pretty tired now so off to bed with me... Brainwash tomorrow, sweeeet.